Blogging is not dead…

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…I just don’t have time to do it. And the reasons are very straightforward: I’m juggling several projects on top of my regular job. Those that know me quite well know that I like to involved in projects that, by their nature and objectives, speak to my heart or that I find challenging and worth investing my precious posession – my time – on them.

It is the case of the three projects currently occupying my time. I’m helping organize the next Ignite Portugal event @ Porto on the 15th of April, I’m preparing a talk (entitled “S… happens in life and businesses… and it should!”) for the upcoming Switch Conference also at Porto (on the 16th and 17th), and I’m also part of the amazing team organizing “Happiness and Creativity in Your Work Life” under the brand Talks 2.0, an awesome event that will take place in that same city on the 7th of May.

So, as you can imagine, boredom is not a word that comes to mind very frequently 🙂

I will promise to blog on the experience of each of the events… just can’t promise when I’ll do it!

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