Video: embrace change, embrace serendipity

The year is progressing with some interesting side projects and moments to remember.

One such moment was my participation as a speaker at the Switch Conference, both for the pleasure it gave to prepare & deliver the talk and for the feedback I received about it, both from attendees and from those that only got the chance to check the slides.

After being named by Wired UK one of the ten European tech conferences not to be missed, and on the day that Switch Conference announces its 3rd edition for 2012, the video of my talk is also released ๐Ÿ™‚

Ana Silva – S… happens in Business and Life from SWITCH Conference on Vimeo.

Hope you enjoy it! I would like to thank Ricardo Sousa again for inviting me to speak. And to think we met serendipitously ๐Ÿ™‚

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